03 August 2011

E is for Emu

Emus are the largest birds in Australia and are the second largest birds (in relation to height) in the world, second to the ostrich.

Emus are unable to fly but are able to run very quickly, are nomadic and are known to cover long distances in search of food.

They are very curious birds and will watch other animals and humans (I've even had one steal my lunch when on a picnic!).

The emu is on the Australian coat of arms and is a cultural icon and plays an important role in Aboriginal mythology.
Smiling Emu Postcard postcardEdna Emu postcardBeady Eyes EMU postcard

02 August 2011

Eurasian Red Squirrel

The Eurasian red squirrel is a type of tree squirrel and as the name suggests is found throughout Eurasia and its coat is red in colour. For those of you familiar with the works of Beatrix Potter, you may know the character Squirrel Nutkin, who was a red squirrel.

The red squirrel mainly eats seeds from trees and is most active early in the morning and late fternoon and evening. During the day, it generally sleeps in its nests whch are built in the forks of trees.

01 August 2011

English Setters

The English Setter has been trained as a bird dog for over 400 years in England, which is known for its effectiveness in finding and pointing birds in open country.

The English Setter is well known for its intelligence and can be trained to do almost any task that other breeds can do, however herding is not one of those tasks. They are very energetic dogs and love to be around people.

31 July 2011

E is for Elephant

If you are playing alphabet animals, it is likely that the first animal to be said when it comes to the letter "e" is Elephant. Elephants are mysterious animals which capture our interest and you can't help but be intrigued by one of the biggest animals on the world.

Elephants are also very popular in photography and artwork, here are a few examples showing our love of elephants.

White Elephant printCute Elephant with Earrings printElephant Love postcardExciting Elmer Elephant postcardCute Brown Elephant postcardelephant postcard

30 July 2011

Portrait of an Eagle Owl

Eagle owls are the second largest owls and can be identified by their size, ear tufts and yellow eyes. The ear tufts are mor upright on the males than those of the females.

The Eagle Owl mainly feeds on small mammals such as mice, rats and hares, but they have been known to prey on foxes and young deer and can be successful if they have the element of surprise.

29 July 2011

Emu Smile

Funny photograph of an emu that appears to be smiling for the camera with text "Smile!". Text is customizable.

28 July 2011

Eagle and Chick

A cute cartoon illustration of an eagle with a chick on a coffee mug. Perfect for anyone who has a love of birds!

27 July 2011

The Beautiful Elk

The elk, which is lso known as wapiti, is the largest species of deer. Elk are native to North America and eastern Asia but have been successfully introduced to a number of other areas.

Male elk have antlers, which begin growing in spring and they shed in winter. During the mating season, bulls will often engage in antler wrestling to defend his right to mate with his herd, or harem, of cows.

26 July 2011

North American Eagles

There are over 60 species of Eagles throughout the world, however there are only two species of Eagles which can be found in the United States and Canada ~ the Bald Eagle and the Golden Eagle.

The Bald Eagle can be found throughout Canada, Alaska, the United State and Mexico. It is the national symbol and national bird of the US. The Bald Eagles prefers locations which are near large bodies of water which have a good supply of fish, surrounded by old-growth tress in which the eagles can perch and nest.

The Golden Eagle is one of the best known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere and can be found throughout Eurasia, North America, and parts of Africa. They are dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their heads and necks.

Golden Eagles are well-known for using speed and their powerful talons to catch their prey such as rabbits, squirrels and large mammals including foxes, wild and domestic cats young deer, among other animals. If food is scare, they will eat carrion. They are also known to eat other birds and reptiles.

Golden Eagles are also well-known for building their nests in high places such as cliffs, trees, or human structures such as telephone poles.

25 July 2011


Egrets are a kind of heron, which are usually white. During the bredding season many egrets develop fine white feathers down their backs. The Animal Zoo has chosen two egrets, the Snowy Egret and the Great Egret.

The Snowy Egret is a small white heron, which is approximately 60 centimetres long. During the breeding season, the yellow upper bills turn red and they get shaggy looking feathers along their backs.

The Great Egret can be distinguished from other egrets by its size, growing up to one metre in height, as well as its yellow beak and black legs. During the breeding season, the Great Egret has delicate feathers down its back.

24 July 2011

Evening Grosbeak

The Evening Grosbeak is a large finch found in North America, which may explain why I have never heard of it before! It is most frequently seen during the winter and is known to happily visit bird feeders in gardens.

Evening Grsbeaks love to eat seeds, fruit, buds and insects. They will forage in flocks in trees and shrubs as well as on the ground.

23 July 2011

Cartoon Dogs

Dogs are a favourite for those who paint and draw illustrations and cartoons and by checking ut some of these cute images below, it is easy to see why!

Dashing Dog: Cute dog with dragonfly! printSweet Spotted Dog Children's Poster printAnimals (small dog big feet) postcardHappy Dog - Pet Adoption Postcard postcardMY GRANDCHILD, IS A DOG? print

22 July 2011

A Donkey is a Donkey... A Mule is a Mule

Donkeys are members of the horse family and have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years and artwork in Egypt depicts images of donkeys carrying loads for their Egyptian masters. It is estimated that there are over 40 million donkeys across the world... that's an awful lot of donkeys!

Donkeys and mules are not the same animal... although sometimes confused. A mule is the offspring of a male donkey (also known as a jack) and a female horse (mare).

21 July 2011


Dolphins are marine mammals which are found worldwide. There are almost 40 species of dolphins and they are closely related to whales and porpoises.

Dolphins are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals and are popular with humans due to playful and friendly manner. In a number of places, the dolphins have become used to human contact and will come into the beach daily to mix with the people waiting in the shallow water.

20 July 2011

Puppy Dog Eyes

Who can resist the big, sad puppy dog eyes which are used so successfully by your dog to get anything they want? Those eyes are so difficult to resist... at least, at our house they are!

19 July 2011

Dinosaurs in their thousands

Did you know that there are over a thousand dinosaur species which have been named? And... did you know that there is estimated to be approximately 2000 dinosaur species? This means that we have only found and named about half of the species of dinosaurs ever to have walked on this earth.

Scary Dinosaur Roar!! Poster printD is for Dinosaur Alamosaurus Toddler T-Shirt shirtDinosaur postcard postcard

Is the Loch Ness Monster a descendant of the dinosaurs? Well... until we can find it and see exactly what is is (if it really exists), we can only guess. But from all accounts, the size of Nessie may indicate that it may just have descended from dinosaurs.

nessie print

18 July 2011

D is for Daschund

A daschund is a breed of dog which belongs to the hound family. They have short legs and long bodies which have led to the numerous nicknames such as sausage dog, weiner dog and hot dog.

Doxie Love postcardDachshund printDashchund Puppy Poster pRint print

The term daschund has it roots in German and literally means badger dog. Daschunds were originally bred to hunt badgers and other animals which burrow.

17 July 2011

Ducks, Ducks and More Ducks

Ducks can be found almost all over the world except for Antartica which would explain why they are one of the best known birds. Many ducks are migratory, particularly those breeding in the temperate and Arctic Northern hemisphere. Ducks from the tropics generally do not migrate at all.

Duck and Ripples printCute Ducklings Note Card cardSunbathing Duck Print print

Ducks have been found to be the funniest animal, according to research conducted in the UK by Richard Wiseman and his colleagues. Could this be a result of the cartoon ducks which have watched over the years or are the cartoons a result of ducks thought of as being silly?

Little Baby Bird Love Poster (Huge) printsailor's hat stickerTEE Duck Duck printDaffy Duck Whistling printDonald Duck print

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