There are over 60 species of Eagles throughout the world, however there are only two species of Eagles which can be found in the United States and Canada ~ the Bald Eagle and the Golden Eagle.
The Bald Eagle can be found throughout Canada, Alaska, the United State and Mexico. It is the national symbol and national bird of the US. The Bald Eagles prefers locations which are near large bodies of water which have a good supply of fish, surrounded by old-growth tress in which the eagles can perch and nest.
The Golden Eagle is one of the best known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere and can be found throughout Eurasia, North America, and parts of Africa. They are dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their heads and necks.
Golden Eagles are well-known for using speed and their powerful talons to catch their prey such as rabbits, squirrels and large mammals including foxes, wild and domestic cats young deer, among other animals. If food is scare, they will eat carrion. They are also known to eat other birds and reptiles.
Golden Eagles are also well-known for building their nests in high places such as cliffs, trees, or human structures such as telephone poles.
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