Showing posts with label owls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label owls. Show all posts

30 July 2011

Portrait of an Eagle Owl

Eagle owls are the second largest owls and can be identified by their size, ear tufts and yellow eyes. The ear tufts are mor upright on the males than those of the females.

The Eagle Owl mainly feeds on small mammals such as mice, rats and hares, but they have been known to prey on foxes and young deer and can be successful if they have the element of surprise.

10 June 2011

Barn Owl and Barred Owl

The Barn Owl is the most common owl and one of the most widespread birds. It is often referred to as the Common Barn Owl. It is a nocturnal bird and usually becomes active just before dusk.

The barred owl is often called the Hoot Owl as well as rain owl, wood owl and striped owl and can often be found in Canada, US and Mexico.

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